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EP6: Stress less, learn more

Salut, salut!

Don't we all wish we could spend more time learning and less time overthinking, feeling overwhelmed, confused, frustrated..? Episode 6 is the first of a very special, two-part series dedicated to mindset. You're going to learn that everything you do stems from your mindset, which therefore affects your ability to learn effectively. So if you want to gain confidence and improve your French, this two-part series is going to teach you a powerful method that will help you develop the mindset you need to generate real progress in your learning journey.

This episode will teach you:

- how your thoughts and emotions impact your ability to learn effectively

- how to develop self-awareness, study your own thoughts, and identify how they are affecting your learning

- how to identify mental blocks, limiting beliefs, and negative cycles you may be stuck in right now

Be sure to download your workbook to put everything into action and apply those concepts to your own learning right now.

Today's takeaway:

1. Your emotions are the invisible force that drives everything you do. If you want to see improvement in your French, focusing on your emotions is just as important as learning vocab, grammar, and so on. Your emotions are like the roots of a tree. If you want the flowers to bloom, take care of the invisible roots.

2. Use the workbook to develop self-awareness. By studying your own thought patterns, you will be more likely to make substantial progress in your learning. Start with a Brain Dump activity every day to let your negative thoughts emerge, then study your thoughts with the Thought Analysis activity. The workbook will be the first step to identifying how your own thoughts affect your confidence and your learning abilities.

Resources and references:

This week's workbook: Stress less, learn more

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