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French R: how to nail the pronunciation every single time #34

Last week, you learned the 3 different R sounds. This week, you're going to practise the pronunciation in more detail and you'll discover when to use each of those three Rs in context.

In today's episode, you're going to learn:

- how to engage the right muscles for each R sound every time

- when to use each sound according to the location of the R in the word

- how to develop your phonetics skills further with the free Ultra HD listening skills course

Today's takeaway:

1. Practise each R sound with isolated syllables, then words, then sentences.

2. The "gurgled R" is usually pronounced between two vowels or at the start of a word:

  • Practise with those words: Rome, randonnée, rétine, rime, rustique, roulade, ringard, rappeler, robot.

  • Practise with this sentence: Ce repas de riz et carottes me rend heureux à Paris.

3. The "phlegmy R" is usually pronounced after a consonant at the start of a syllable:

  • Practise with those words: creux, pratique, croissant, critique, tranquille, trop, truc, tremper

  • Practise with this sentence: Je prends le train en France pour manger un croissant trop cru.

4. Finally, the "cat hissing R" is usually pronounced at the end of a syllable:

  • Practise with those words: égard, lire, lueur, effort, futur, genre, lourd, vinrent

  • Practise with this sentence: il a l’air d’avoir plus peur de la mer que de l’amour.

Resources and references:

Boost your listening and pronunciation skills for free: Ultra HD listening skills

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