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French R: you already pronounce it without realising it #33


Is the French R really that hard to pronounce? No, it's not, because you already produce the R effortlessly - you just don't realise it! In the next 8 minutes, you're going to see what perfect R sounds you already make naturally.

In today's episode, you're going to learn:

- why most pronunciation tips don't work

- how to produce three different kinds of R sounds instead

- which sounds you already make can help you nail it every single time

Today's takeaway:

1. There are actually 3 R sounds. You do not have to study phonetics and jargon in detail to identify and reproduce those 3 sounds. Here they are:

1. To replicate the "gargled R sound": simply imagine that you are gargling. That R sound is very relaxed. Then practise pronouncing "Paris".

2. To replicate the "phlegmy R sound": imagine that you're clearing up your throat *disgustingly* may I add, just before spitting... That R sound is very tense and tight. Then practise pronouncing "le train".

3. Finally, to replicate the "hissy cat R sound": position your throat like above but do not create any friction, simply let the air flow through. Then practise pronouncing "la mer".

Resources and references:

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